My prediction scorecard

December 26, 2016

I ruffled a few feathers back in February when I wrote how I think HTML5 games will become trendy again. Nine months later, Facebook launches Instant Games, offering HTML5 games directly inside the chat feed. Perhaps a bit premature to brag, but I’d like to suggest that I really nailed this one.


In contrast, earlier I had predicted that the sense of touch would become more deeply integrated into our smartphone UXs, i.e. kind of haptic feedback 2.0. This one didn’t materialize, at least not yet.


I had also predicted that the UK would remain in Europe and that Hillary Clinton would be elected President of the U.S. I’m going to try to resist making political predictions in the future.


Coming up next, some astute predictions about technology and innovation from some truly brilliant and globally-minded VCs.

posted in technology by mark bivens

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